Welcome to our Daily English Listening Practice with this week’s series:

Role Play: At the Doctor’s

If this is your first time here, you might wanna check out Role Play: At the Doctor’s Day 1 to start from the beginning!

Doctor Questions #1-5 can be found here: Doctor’s Office Role Play: Part 4

Wanna print out the transcripts? Doctor Questions Transcripts #6-12

American English Dialogue: on top
British English Dialogue: scroll down

American Doctor’s Office

USA – Doctor Questions
#6 Do you smoke?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”157″]
So, do you smoke?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”158″]
I used to smoke quite a bit when I was younger, I think I was probably up to a pack a day, but, ever since a few years ago, I’m down to only a few a week.
I don’t smoke that often, probably if I’m out with my friends and we’ve been out having a few drinks, then I might have a cigarette.
No, I never smoke.

USA – Doctor Questions
#7 Do you drink alcohol and how often?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”159″]
Do you drink alcohol and how often?
How often do you drink?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”160″]
If I’m being honest, I probably have a drink almost every day after work, uhm maybe a couple more on the weekends when I’m just relaxing, but it’s usually just beer, I don’t really do any of the hard stuff.
I mean, I have a couple of glasses with friends on the weekends, that’s probably it, I don’t usually drink during the week.
Ever since I had my kids, I’m not really a big drinker, so, yeah, I probably only have a glass of wine once a month maybe.

Notes: “Do you drink?” implies alcohol.

USA – Doctor Questions
#8 Do you take any recreational drugs?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”161″]
Do you or have you taken any recreational drugs?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”162″]
I mean, I tried it in college, but I haven’t really done anything since then.
No, I’ve never done anything like that.

Answer: Answer these questions truthfully. Be sure to tell them how often or how much. It may help in your diagnosis.

USA – Doctor Questions
#9 Do you have a family history of this?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”163″]
Do you have a family history of this problem?
Does anything like this run in your family?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”164″]
Uhm, I think that diabetes definitely runs in the family, uhm my…both my grandparents had it, and then… so my dad and I are very susceptible, and so we just have to watch our weight, but I don’t think that’s a problem.
There is a history of mental illness on my father’s side of the family.
No, not that I know of, but not all of my family has been tested for that.

Answer: The doctor wants to know if someone in your family has a similar problem, normally you will fill out your own Medical History on a form when you arrive at the doctor’s office, however your doctor will probably ask about your family history.

USA – Doctor Questions
#10 Do you take any medicines or supplements?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”165″]
Are you currently on any medication or taking any medicines or supplements?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”166″]
Does protein powder count as a supplement? Because I take that every time I go to workout.
Well, every morning I take a multivitamin and a probiotic, so, that’s about all I take though.
I’ve been on medication since my last surgery, so probably been on it for the past 3 months.
I was taking antibiotics about two months ago, uh, for the same problem, but it went away and then it came back.

Answer: If you’re taking any medicine or medication, it may be causing some of your symptoms. Supplements can be anything extra you take other than food, like vitamins, herbs, or protein and oils. If you wanna have a look at the difference between medicine and medication, have a look at our Health Vocabulary Series: Part 4

USA – Doctor Questions
#11 Have you had any previous surgeries?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”167″]
Have you had any previous surgeries?
Have you had any major surgeries in the last year or so?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”168″]
Actually, I only had a minor surgery about two years ago.
The last surgery I had was my wisdom teeth, that was probably when I was in college.
Yeah, I had back surgery about 6 months ago.  
No, I’ve never had any surgery, major or minor.

Answer: Sometimes your doctor will ask you to tell them about any surgeries in the past… time period. You might also fill this out on a form in the waiting room.

USA – Doctor Questions
#12 Does it hurt when I push here?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”169″]
Does it hurt when I push here?
Do you feel any discomfort when I push here?
How does it feel when I do this?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”170″]
Right there it’s just a dull pain, but if you move a little to the right, it… the pain is quite uncomfortable.
When I move this way, the pain is really sharp.
Please don’t touch it, it’s just really tender.
There’s really no pain, but it’s actually a numb feeling, I don’t feel anything at all.

Answer: Your doctor might put pressure on different parts of your body to see if there is any unusual pain. You can have a look at different types of pains here in our Health Vocabulary Series: Part 3

British Doctor’s Office

UK – Doctor Questions
#6 Do you smoke?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”171″]
Do you smoke?  
Are you a smoker?  
How often do you smoke cigarettes?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”172″]
I normally smoke about 2 packs a week.  
I’m kind of a social smoker, so I only really smoke when I’m with my friends, so that’s normally on the weekends.  
I’m trying to cut down actually, so usually it’s only about or 5 a week.  
No I don’t smoke.

Answer: Be honest here. You have complete confidentiality with your GP, so you can tell the truth. If you smoke a lot, the doctor will probably tell you to stop, but you knew that alright, right?

UK – Doctor Questions
#7 Do you drink alcohol and how often?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”173″]
How often do you drink alcohol?
How much alcohol do you consume per week?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”174″]
Uhm, honestly. My friends and I usually go to the pub a couple of times week, usually after work. But I have to drive so I only have a pint each time we go out.
I usually have a glass of wine or two after work – it just helps me unwind. But I usually don’t get drunk very often – it’s just a few drinks.
I only really drink on special occasions like birthdays, or parties and things like that, so about once a month I’d say.
Uh no, I don’t drink.

Answer: Again, be completely honest. In the UK a lot of people drink more than the government recommended limits – it’s easier to do than you’d think!

UK – Doctor Questions
#8 Do you take any recreational drugs?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”175″]
Okay, have you taken any recreational drugs in the last six months?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”176″]
Uhm, some friends and I went to Amsterdam last month. And we had some, like edibles over there, so it was just marijuana, nothing else. That was it.
Uhm, only maybe, once or twice in the last six months.
No, I haven’t taken anything at all.

Answer: Recreational drugs are any kind of drugs people take just for fun or for ‘the high’. Doctors are under patient confidentiality, and can’t tell the police about any drugs you have taken in the recent past. The doctor will probably ask you to name the drugs, as each one can have a different effect on your body.

UK – Doctor Questions
#9 Do you have a family history of this?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”177″]
Is there any family history of this problem?
Do you know of any family history related to this issue?
Do you think this problem runs in the family?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”178″]
Uhm, I have two uncles with type 2 diabetes, but as far as I know, they’re the only people with that… with that problem in my family.
I know my grandfather has some heart problems, but so far, no one else in the family has been affected by that.
No, I don’t, not as far as I know.

Answer: A family medical history can identify people with a higher-than-usual chance of having common disorders, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, certain cancers, and diabetes.

UK – Doctor Questions
#10 Do you take any medicines or supplements?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”179″]
Are you currently taking any medicines or supplements?
Are you currently on any medication?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”180″]
I’ve been taking some multi-vitamins in the morning and a few fish oil capsules after meals. Oh and I also use some protein supplement if that counts.
Because of my hay fever, I’m taking antihistamines every day, but they’re not very strong, and I just take one a day.
No, I’m not taking anything.

Answer: ‘Supplements’ has a very wide meaning, from multi-vitamins to protein shakes to fish-oil, it’s better to tell the doctor anything you can think of just in case.

If you’d like to know more about the difference between medicine and medication, have a look at our Health Vocabulary Series: Part 4

UK – Doctor Questions
#11 Have you had any previous surgeries?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”181″]
Have you had any previous surgeries?
Have you had any major surgeries in the last few years?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”182″]
Yes, I had a knee surgery last year.
I had a minor surgery on my back about six months ago.
No, I haven’t gone through any surgeries.

Answer: Your GP may have already noted this fact on your medical record in preparation for your appointment. Try to give as much detail as you can, and explain why you needed the surgery.

UK – Doctor Questions
#12 Does it hurt when I push here?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”183″]
Does it hurt when I push here?
Does it hurt when I do this?
Do you feel any pain when I move it this way?

[wonderplugin_audio id=”184″]
Uh, yeah, that hurts a lot.
I can feel a dull pain, but there’s more pain on the other side.
It hurts a little bit, but it’s not too bad.
No, I can’t feel anything at all.

You can have a look at different types of pains here in our Health Vocabulary Series: Part 3

Any more questions you’d like to know the answers to? Let us know in the comments below!


Kat and Mark

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